
任努卡。,嗨对于映射,您可以遵循哲学指导方针中发现他们的良好的实践指南:控制温度室映射和监控。你的空间是2立方米,这表明您使用15探针温度映射。然而,因为它是一个“不速之客”听起来像所有的空间没有被用于存储/稳定性。稳定性测试是一个重要的过程,所以我将开始15探针作为起始数字温度映射。你的映射数据识别热点和冷点。但请记住,我在博客中提到,这些都不是关键位置的监测等方面。室的映射和验证,如果成功,将会证明你的稳定室是预期,它能够维护所需的条件。这意味着你不需要监控热点和冷点。你只需要考虑他们。 For monitoring, you should be fine with a single probe. If this seems insufficient, or your organization interprets the guidance as requiring monitoring at both the hot and cold spots, you can simply add a second probe. Any more than that would be overkill. In the blog, the asker of the original question was worried about having 4 spots to monitor, as they were worried about hi/lows in both temperature and relative humidity. This is usually a non-concern, as relative humidity extremes tend to show up in the same places as temperature extremes, as relative humidity is “relative” to temperature.