
二氧化碳监测 - 食物链中的基本秘密成分

Eggplant in a modern greenhouse
Published: Aug 17, 2022

From the crispness of our apples and the fizz in our drinks to the sustainability of agriculture and the safety of workers, carbon dioxide, or CO2, is an essential part of the food chain. And anywhere CO2is used it needs to be monitored using accurate sensors to ensure levels are neither too high nor too low. Let’s take a look at some of the places along the food chain where CO2is monitored and see how keeping a close watch on it helps to ensure safety, sustainability – and delicious food and drinks.

CO2monitoring supports sustainable agriculture
CO2is present in soil in much higher concentrations than found in the atmosphere, so it’s no surprise that conventional farming can be responsible for high emissions levels. Ploughing and tilling adds air and decompresses the soil, accelerating decomposition and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. CO2monitoring with Vaisala sensors has shown that regenerative farming methods that don’t add air to the soil slow down decomposition, resulting in lower CO2排放和更好的土壤质量。

Environmentally friendly farming is good for soil health, food production, and the planet, helping to increase the amount of organic matter, trap CO2, and make soil more resistant to drought and better able to withstand flooding. Farmers who implement sustainable methods that increase the soil’s capacity to sequester carbon could be eligible for government incentives in the future – and measuring the impact of these efforts will require further CO2monitoring.

Farmer in tractor preparing farmland

Optimal growing conditions for primary production

Incontrolled environmental agriculture (CEA), vertical and container farming,greenhouse farming, and building-integrated agriculture,reliable measurements are essentialtooptimize growing conditions, prevent crop damage, and decrease operational costs. CO2is a necessary component of photosynthesis so to maximize yield and minimize costs in enclosed environments, CO2levels need to be accurately monitored and carefully maintained.

Monitoring CO2(以及温度和相对湿度)使用VAISALA传感器可以以高度的准确性控制条件,从而确保保持最佳的生长条件。一旦采摘农产品,就必须stored in controlled条件以确保及时成熟水果并避免在储存,运输过程中和零售场所中的食物变质 - 再次是CO2sensors that help do this, helping to keep our food fresh and as tasty as possible.

Apple fruits are stored

Keeping workers healthy and safe

Like a fizzy soft drink? The bubbles are made by adding CO2to the drink during thebottling process. Prefer something a little stronger?The fermentation processis perhaps most commonly known as a key step in the production of alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, but it is also an important process in the production of enzymes, antibiotics, and amino acids – and of course it relies on CO2. In food and beverage production environments like these, CO2needs to be monitored closely because it is a colorless, odorless gas that poses a risk to human health in high concentrations. In fermentation facilities, bottling plants, and at several other points along the food chain – including storage facilities and retail stores – monitoring CO2levels using sensors is essential to keep workers healthy, safe, and productive.

Brewery Workers Checking Fermentation Process

Increasing the sustainability of the food chain

Over a third of all food produced globally goes to waste, so anything that can help turn that waste into value significantly increases the sustainability of the food chain. CO2是一个需要监视的参数producing biogas from food waste. Using sensors to monitor CO2in biogas plants helps to ensure optimal operation and substantially better biogas yield, making the process more efficient and turning wasted food into a valuable energy source.

As you can see, CO2monitoring is an important parameter in every link of the food chain, keeping workers safe, making food production more sustainable, and increasing both the quality and yield of the food we eat. Something to think about next time you’re picking out produce in the store, or raising a glass of something bubbly to drink!

Further readings:

Read more about Vaisala’s CARBOCAP technology

What makes Vaisala’s CO2 sensors unique?

Review all the solutions Vaisala has for food production, storage and logistics

Check ourFood Family brochurefor hand-picked solutions for food industry



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