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Intelligent measurement - intelligent industry
Liisa Astrom, vice President of VIM products and systems
Liisa Astrom
Vice President of industrial measurement products and systems
Published: A month 27, 2020
Industrial manufacturing and process
Industrial measurement
Innovation and inspiration

With 4.0 propaganda started around industry transformation, the next industrial revolution is just around the corner.5.0, to say the industry as a game changer of the industrial process, will promote the further cooperation between man and machine.It completely change the way manufacturers real-time optimization of the process, so as to reduce cost and improve the quality and production system to build for the future.Whatever the future development, reliable and accurate intelligent measurement is still the basis of sustainable development and business success.
As part of a recent wave of automation revolution (4.0) industry, machine using a wireless connection and smart sensors in the system, automatic decision-making and provide the whole process of visualization.This kind of data rich, information poor (DRIP) system has potential flaws, the operator may find it hard to quickly identify the correct decisions required correct views in a timely manner.Therefore properly configure this type of system is very important.

Good decisions depend on the high quality of the data
Automation system largely depends on the reliable sensor.Visa promising in the field, because its technology can ensure high accuracy and stability (has been market validation).High quality decision based on the high quality of the data, which means that the sensor must be able to provide accurate readings for a long time, even in challenging stringent process conditions.Automation that we could optimize processes, reduce costs, improve product quality, to provide better security and more output.However, only using reliable intelligent field devices to monitor process conditions, the possibilities are easier to implement.
Any error or malfunction in monitoring system will result in resources or discarded, and even lead to costly factories to suspend production.So smart device users should consider the whole life cycle of its equipment cost: although the purchase price is remarkable, but associated with excessive maintenance or calibration (or failure) of holding costs may be considerably more than the initial purchase cost.Intelligent system of the higher visibility can benefit the whole facilities of stakeholders.However, the real time data can also be provided to other stakeholders;With the provider benchmark share data to improve production efficiency and other related operational efficiency.Similarly, can will inform the client every step of production process, including the finished product delivery.

To provide intelligent industrial intelligent measurement
The implementation of the smart changed the rules of the game.It by making full use of industrial advantages and opportunities, 4.0 involving integrated intelligent connection independent digital and physical technology (such as the Internet of things (IoT) and robot, and big data capture and analysis), for enterprises to gain market provides a significant opportunity for competitive advantage.

The fifth industrial revolution (industrial) 5.0 the concept behind it is people's creativity and the speed of the machine, the production efficiency and consistency.Industrial 5.0 will be sent to you by man and machine respective advantage into full play to improve interpersonal machine cooperation, to create a more inclusive, people-oriented, for the future.Can be realized in the manufacturing industry is envisaged 5.0 mass customisation, helping to reduce resource waste and build recycling society.Manufacturing unit of workers will be more involved in design rather than the actual manufacturing process (a high degree of automation of the process).It is convenient for cooperation with the customer free to carry on the design, make more customized and personalized products, the release of human talent to accomplish more in need of creativity.

Smart devices usually have some form of wisdom, and connections to other equipment or network, can be interactive operation or independent operation.Intelligent devices can also remote access to configuration, operation, maintenance and analysis of some equipment with artificial intelligence.Nobody knows how will the future of the industrial 5.0, but we have a curiosity, exploring new opportunities and new horizons is always stand in the front.We believe that reliable and high quality of the data is still is the core of the industry of 5.0.Smart factory is not run by robot itself, but depend on the people involved.Decision quality depends on the data quality and optimization process need accurate measurements.Visa good performance in the area of these measurements, and help customers to understand their process, according to the need to make wise decisions.Now, intelligence in the future.

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Liisa Astrom, vice President of VIM products and systems

Liisa Astrom

Vice President of industrial measurement products and systems

Liisa is visa industrial measurement, head of the department research and development and product management.She has 20 years of high-tech product design as well as business and technical management experience.Liisa keen to create customer value, creating seamless dialogue between business and technology, and through the team cooperation and communication to promote project success.