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Understanding of hydrogen peroxide sensor calibration measurement traceability

LIFT_metrological traceability in hydrogen peroxide sensor calibration
Life science

Traceability of measurement for measuring is very important.Understand instrument measuring the performance of one way is to assess their accuracy.Instruments shall be according to the international system of units (SI) calibration traceability reference, in order to ensure the quality of the measurement data.High quality data, in turn, can provide reliable information for decision making.Please understand that the international system of units (SI) between the reference unit and instrument calibration, the more the greater the uncertainty of measurement.

Read the following instructions (PDF) of the application of "understanding calibration traceability", you will learn how to measure instrument by calibration certificate of traceability.In addition, please scroll down to view the author introduction.

Assessing Traceability on Calibration certificates

Visa, advanced hardware test engineer Enni Haverinen

Enni Haverinen

Advanced hardware test engineer

As a visa as a member of a team of research and development, Enni will test a variety of hardware, from the prototype to the finished product to ensure the quality and reliability.Including environmental testing, mechanical testing and measuring performance test.Enni withIndigo seriesProbe professional capabilities to handle a large number of measuring parameters, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide vaporization, humidity and dew point.Enni aalto university master's degree in automation and electrical engineering.

Hannu Sairanen, Ph.D. (technology), application of thermodynamics

Hannu Sairanen

Visa, a senior scientist

As visa, a senior scientist, Hannu Sairanen humidity measurement focus on research and application, including humidity measurement.He related process in humidity measurement, humidity survey and humidity has 10 years of experience, and according to their own work in these fields has published many works.Hannu with Finland aalto university doctorate in the application of thermodynamics.

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The Comment

Casmir Igueri

A 14, 2021
I am making a proposal for bio remediation of crude oil contaminated sites they were in the Delta of they were. I need advice on the suitable instrument, the parameters to monitor and quote the to know the financial or cost implication.

Janice Bennett - Livingston

A 15, 2021
Thank you for your inquiry!A representative will reach out to you by email shortly.

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