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To nurture future sustainable production

Vertical farming
Li Jin
Li Jin
Visa industrial CeLiangBu senior managers
Published: 2 month 28, 2022
Greenhouse and indoor agriculture
Innovation and inspiration
Liquid measurement

Now, we are more aware of the environmental impact of the food we eat.Considering the food miles (sometimes food need to go a long way before they reach our table), climate change and its impact on agriculture, must put forward a new solution to improve the sustainability of agriculture, so that we can continue to feed a growing world population.

Put down the level of agriculture, embracing the vertical farming

Imagine there is a growing lettuce, carrots, or farm crops such as wheat, it would be easy to think of you constantly into the distance extension fields, planted with ridge and planting crops.The fields of the scale of the problem is that this clearly could not be located in the city center, so always harvest crops will have to go a long way before they arrive at us these consumers' hands.

Now try to think in another way: the thinking of vertical farming is rotated 90 degrees, the level of agriculture by vertically stacked crops carefully controlled conditions, optimization of crop growth.Obviously, this way of planting can save a lot of space, which means that the crops can be planted in the center of the densely populated cities, close to the actual consumption place, let us pass the salad for lunch instead of a long journey.

In a smaller space to grow more food

Indoor plants and other advantages, can protect the crops from the influence of uncertain climate, reducing the need for harmful pesticides, also can realize food grown throughout the year.Vertical farming采用集先进传感器、数据建模和人工智能于一体的智能系统,有助于确保作物生长所需的理想环境,因此产量远高于传统农业。

Because do not need the sun, soil and cover an area of an area small, vertical agricultural resources demand is relatively low in other ways.For example, as in Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAt Fifth SeasonThe company, its water consumption is decreased by 95% than traditional agriculture.Due to the shortage of water resources is the real threat of the future, in meet the demand of our food at the same time, this method also provides us a chance to improve agricultural sustainability.

Click to view at Fifth Season success »

The ideal condition of crop growth

In addition to the vertical farm, intelligent greenhouse, tooControlled environment agriculture(CEA) is a type of, has become one of the market segment of the global food industry growth.likeDamatexThis company provides high-end computerized climate control system, farmers can use this system to make the agricultural production into the future, through real-time, independent environmental monitoring, use less energy and resources to a great extent improve the yield and crop quality.

Measurement sensor, transmitter and probe were able to achieve good growth conditions, report environmental humidity and temperature conditions, and provide the data needed for artificial intelligence, to monitor and adjust the need to change any single factor.Climate control effect, the better, the lower the cost of production, quality more stable, let our food is not only a more sustainable, and more delicious.

Click to view Damatex successful cases »
Details: » controlled environment agriculture