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Monitoring of carbon dioxide - indispensable mystery ingredient in food chain

In the modern greenhouse eggplant
Published: Eight month 17, 2022

Air bubbles in the apple and drink tender to realize the agricultural sustainable development and protect the safety of the workers, carbon dioxide (CO2) always has an important role in the food chain.No matter when and where, as long as people use CO2, you need to use to accurately measure the sensor monitoring its concentration, ensure its concentration at the appropriate levels.Let us process along the food chain, see the CO2Monitoring of link, understand strict control of the parameters to ensure safety, implementing sustainable development and production of delicious food and drinks do you have any help.

CO2Monitoring can provide support for agricultural sustainable development
CO2Concentration is much higher than in the soil of the atmosphere, therefore, conventional tillage can lead to a large amount of carbon emissions, it is not surprising.Ploughing and farming can increase the air content in the soil, loose soil, but also can accelerate the decomposition of air, so co2 emissions into the atmosphere.Visa CO sensor provides2Monitoring results show that don't increase the air content in the soil of renewable agricultural ways to slow the air decomposition rate, reducing CO2Emissions, improve the quality of soil.

Green agriculture is not only beneficial to soil health, food production, protect the earth, and also help to increase the soil organic matter content, capture CO2, which makes the soil more drought waterlogging resistance.Sustainable farming methods can improve the soil carbon accomodation, farmers are likely to take this farming by government incentives - to measure the impact of these measures would need to CO2For further monitoring.

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Farmer tractor in preparing farmland

Suitable for primary production of excellent growing conditions

inControlled environment agriculture (CEA)), the vertical farm and container,Agricultural greenhouseAnd building integration of agriculture,Reliable measurementforTo optimize the growing conditionsAnd prevent are important crop damage, reduce operating costs.CO2Is an essential component of photosynthesis, therefore, to increase production, reduce cost as much as possible in a closed environment, you need to CO2Accurately monitoring, meticulous to maintain their concentration levels.

Use visa pull sensor monitoring CO2(as well as temperature and relative humidity) can be implemented to control the environmental conditions of preciseness, ensure good growth environment of crops.Crops once picked, it needs toStored in a controlled environment, in order to ensure timely mature fruit can avoid food in storage, transportation and retail link metamorphism, and CO2Sensors can also help to meet this requirement, keep the food fresh and delicious.

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Apple fruits are stored

Protect the health and safety of workers

Like bubbles soft drinks?inThe filling processWill CO2Added to the beverage can generate bubbles.More like "hard" drinks?As is known to all,The fermentationBeer, wine and other alcoholic beverages is the key step in the process of production, and little known, the process for enzyme, antibiotics and amino acids such as microbial medicine is indispensible for production - and, of course, CO2Is the key.in这样的食品和饮料生产环境中,我们需要密切监测 CO2It is colorless, odorless, once the concentration of gao will pose a threat to human health.inThe fermentation、灌装以及储存和零售储存等食品链上的其他环节,使用传感器监测 CO2To protect worker health, safety and work efficiency is crucial.

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For Workers Checking Fermentation Process

Enhance the sustainability of the food chain

More than one-third of the global food production has finally been wasted, so any help turn things can significantly improve the sustainability of the food chain.inUsing food waste to produce biogasThe CO2Level is one of the parameters to monitor.inbiogas厂使用传感器监测 CO2Help keep the factory running, produce better production efficiency, so as to make the process more efficient, the waste of food into energy.

As you can see, the CO2Monitoring data is one of the important parameters of the food chain, etc, it can guarantee the safety of workers and make a more sustainable food production, improve the yield and quality of food.The next time you buy food in shops or picked up a glass of soda, consider the production process!

Read on:

By reading the details about visa CARBOCAP technology

The characteristics of the visa pull CO2 sensor

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