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In the rapid development of LNG market how to reduce the lightning harm?

In the rapid development of LNG market how to reduce the lightning harm?
Mikko Nikkanen
The Head of Maritime, Weather and Environment
Published: Nine month 7, 2022
The weather and the environment

To reduce the impact of climate change and clean energy demand is growing, so the energy market investment accelerated obviously.

Just recently, announced plans to build two off the coast of northern Germany liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and increase storage facilities1.This year, the European Union countries/regions announced at least 21 new or LNG import project faster, more than half of them by floating storage and regasification device (FSRU) support2.

FSRU is able to transport, storage and regasification LNG floating LNG import terminal.This kind of ships in operation since 2005, quickly from the solution into the mainstream of LNG import solutions.FSRU by uncompleted buyers of LNG receiving station infrastructure to provide time-saving economic import logistics solutions, to help open up new markets3.

The lightning risk to the operation of oil and gas

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20 ports in

Meet the surge in demand, however, are not the only challenge.(especially for oil and gas operations and storing LNG transportation), when the ship loading and unloading of inflammable, bad weather may cause a serious security risk4.Lightning is one of the biggest danger facing such assignments.

Every year, tank, oil refineries and oil and gas stations around the world could get struck by lightning damage, cause enormous damage to infrastructure and environment, endanger life safety.2021 年 7 月,墨西哥国有石油公司 Pemex 在墨西哥湾的钻井平台遭遇雷击,天然气管道泄漏,引发海上火灾5.Such accident economic loss caused by the shocking: every accident loss $10 million to $42 million, depending on the size of the affected6.Visa, a recent survey showed that for oil and natural gas terminal, the closing is expected to cost up to $1000 per minute or 60000 dollars per hour.For LNG receiving station, interruption caused by loading and unloading cost up to $20000 / hour.

For oil and gas operations, especially LNG, insight into the behavior and detect thunderstorms and support the EXI area (also known as a dangerous place or explosive environment) ability to ensure security and achieve effective planning is very important.
Reliable lightning detection system for potential risk early warning, to help ensure the lightning threat before operation and the safety of the staff to stop sensitive operations.

Prevention is the most important

Lightning is inevitable, but through the proper preparation and application of lightening the harms of lightning related accidents is to prevent accidents and an easy way to protect the safety of life and work.

Visa to pull the global GLD360 lightning data setServices can be combined with local display and alarm, on-site lightning warning.Such a comprehensive system for thunderstorm activities for early warning and tracking.This can help the crew to bunkering or loading and unloading plan and arrange for additional security measures, and know when to restore operation safely.

Most of the time, port or terminal use expensive single point sensor, can predict the lightning location.Subscription-based GLD360 global lightning data set has the following advantages:
More accurate positioning (1 km), detection is more efficient (detect 80% of the world's CG lightning))
• no sensor cost, no maintenance
• can accurately measure the distance from your attention place
• accurately distinguish between the cloud and cloud lightning

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Screenshot from Vaisala Thunderstorm Manager showing 20, infrared satellite, and derived radar information for the Super Typhoon Hinnamnor in the Pacific on August 30, 2022.
Visa to pull a thunderstorm manager screen capture shows on August 30, 2022, Pacific typhoons "" hin arashi. Lightning, satellite and radar information.

Job location, close to the degree of thunderstorm, and thunderstorm speed, direction and strength is the key to determine the thunderstorm damage input parameters.When lightning detection, understand the associated with thunderstorms the time, location, type and frequency of the lightning is very important.With that information, you can establish an appropriate warning system, in a shortened downtime and ensure everyone's safety.

It is also important, lightning detection system can directly detect thunderstorms in the top of the head.This situation is rare, but is much more dangerous, because in the formation of a thunderstorm overhead need immediate warning direct threat.

A thunderstorm detection helps prevent plan

Reliable potentially dangerous thunderstorm warning is the key to make effective weather emergency plan, particularly for the oil and gas industry.With the aid of modern weather monitoring system, workers can be greatly influenced by the weather resumed in safety within the scope of work, and to stop work when there are security risks.

FSRU is not necessarily a response to a surge in energy demand permanent solution, but need to take into consideration of the high safety standards from the start.

1"Germany plans to build two LNG receiving station, to reduce dependence on Russian gas,"Zeynep Beyza Karabay, AA Energy, February 27, 2022
2"European buying FSRU to speed up to ensure energy security,"John Snyder, Riviera Maritime Media Ltd., July 7, 2022
3"FSRU,"Flex LNG Ltd., August 15, 2022
4"Port security is imminent: by sea weather monitoring system to ensure safe, predictable and efficient port operations,"Visa, August 15, 2022
5"Said Pemex, the gulf of Mexico a lightning storm, gas fire,"Mexican news daily, July 6, 2021
6"33% of the oil and gas industry tank accidents can be avoided,"Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, December 7, 2018