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From the cloud to the ground

Used for visa CL61 FD70 and aviation
The weather and the environment

Integrated use of visa, the next generation of cloud sensor probe and weather phenomena, to achieve further aviation meteorological observation.

A few weeks ago, visa aviation team had the opportunity to attend the first held in Geneva, SwitzerlandThe airspace of the worldActivities.The activity byCANSOAnyone who is a international festival of the airspace and near space management, brought together a large number of ANSP, suppliers, ATM owner professionals, innovators and new technology.This year's event, a three-day attracted more than 5000 participants and 117 exhibitors, its main topics include the use of technology to create a safer world, accelerating the future operation, future-oriented comprehensive airspace and build sustainable development in the future.

During the meeting, weather phenomena and visibility sensor application manager Juha Pikkarainen are introducedVisa recently publishedAbout using visa FD70 and CL61 in freezing conditions to improve the safety of the technical papers for the airport.In this blog post, he introduced to us the airport meteorological technology exciting developments.

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Juha Pikkarainen

Juha Pikkarainen airspace world activity in Geneva illustrates the importance of accurate detection of icing conditions, especially for small aircraft.

Can perceive icing situation in aviation is very important.The wings, tail, and other surface ice will seriously affect the performance and safety of the aircraft.Ice, the lift will disappear, resistance increases, accused of rudder surface also change, make the pilot is difficult to control and may result in hazardous situations.In serious cases, the ice even lead to the aircraft stall or a plane crash.Therefore, the pilots must know the weather conditions at any time, and take necessary de-icing measures before departure.

In addition, the ground staff must ensure that the runways and taxiways without ice and snow, in order to prevent the accidents occurred during take-off and landing, maintenance staff also need to clear the pavement and other public areas of ice and snow, to ensure the safety of the staff and passengers.In general, can perceive icing situation about aviation safety, is very important, should not be ignored.To prevent accidents, airlines and aviation professionals should rely on accurate weather forecast and monitoring system to detect and respond to the change of weather conditions.

Complement each other bring out the best in each other

Visa recently developed two types of sensors, for aviation meteorological sensor technology has brought an innovation.These sensors, namelyVisa FD70 pull forward scattering sensorsAnd bring polarization functionsVisa, cloud probe CL61Can perceive the ground at the same time and high altitude weather phenomenon.

FD70 measured visibility and weather phenomenon, with a precise independent temperature and humidity sensor.It can be used as precise measuring cylinder to measure rainfall, rain also can be used as the ground truth of weather radar data.It measure and droplet size distribution and the speed of falling from the sky, and many can be replaced by the single sensor as a system of separate.FD70 has 5 MHZ high sampling rate, make it be able to see each droplet in the sky, and it also has a high sensitivity, so it can detect very small particles.

Cloud probe is commonly used in cloud cover, height measurement to detect and sky.CL61 can distinguish between solid and liquid particles, not only can sense the icing conditions, also can effectively detect the ash in the sky.CL61 with visa CL31 similar cloud cover detection ability, but increased the function of identification of icing conditions.

Winter testing

Helsinki airport tower is Finland's large airport, in it as an object of case study, we will come from the sky after the traditional to the scattering data and precipitation data with data from the CL61 and FD70 are compared.FD70 high sensitive and high sampling rate makes it can detect small particles, and CL61 can identify the cause of the freezing rain supercooled liquid layer.The meter data is helpful to improve overall icing condition recognition, and for the pilot and aviation management staff to provide a more accurate and detailed information.

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Comparison of CL61 attenuated backscatter coefficient and smoothed lidar depolarization with the observer - generated METAR precipitation types from Jan 2022.

Since January 2, 2022, the backward scattering field of CL61 attenuation coefficient and smooth the laser radar depolarization and viewer generated METAR comparing different types of precipitation.

To sum up, this case study shows the polarization functions to new visa of cloud probe CL61 can improve airport operations required for situational awareness.CL61 can provide detailed information about the high altitude climate change, and the forward scattering sensor FD70 can confirm the influence of the change on the ground and scope.

CL 61 with FD70 combination, can accurate perception may have a significant impact on the operations aviation icing conditions.These data are to be on duty meteorologists use, enabling them to make key decisions and changes more accurately predict, so high in the ground and improve the security of airport operations.

Read the full technical papers here.