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Visa pull out free DGA calculator can help monitoring of power transformer

Shown on the mobile phone in the hands of a visa, the DGA calculator, the edge of the chart and duvall triangle graphics
Power transmission

Visa, today released a free use of the DGA calculator, the tool is convenient and easy to use, can help the visual rendering laboratory report even the readings and other sources of on-line monitoring system for transmission of dissolved gas analysis results.

The calculator is designed to become available for participation in the DGA analysis each one of the use of simple tools.Using this tool, you can quickly understand the transformer operation briefly.No manual calculation or by a spreadsheet or other software to create graphics.

Intuitive present state of transformer and trend of gas

"We hope we can handle all common calculator manual work.It can according to IEC and IEEE standard key fault gas in the typical values to check your data, and present the results in easy to understand graphical format", visa application managerToni MellinExplained.

If gas more than the typical values, the calculator will be in the form of toure tile triangle or pentagon 2 visual rendering results, this is, in fact, the DGA fault type of analysis method of the standard.It will also be able to support you to quickly access the actual fault type description and visually highlight your data points.

"Due to the input current and historical data points, the calculator can show you from the first DGA result to the change of the latest results, enables you to immediately identify gas trend of change over time, this is the most important function of on-line DGA", visa senior industry commissionerSenja LeivoExplained.

Compatible with mobile and desktop devices at the same time, provide data import and export function

By manual input or CSV import to the input data.Support the IEC and IEEE standards.In order to meet the demand of field monitoring and remote location, the calculator can be easily installed in your mobile device or other intelligent devices.Despite abundant functions, the calculator also considered in the design of ease of use."We want to be a can use at the office, also convenient use in the way of utility, rather than empty have a lot of functionality is inconvenience to use", Senja Leivo said.

On the desktop version, user can even the latest history even the DGA laboratory results directly into a calculator, and the results derived in easy to share the PDF format, supplemented by duvall triangular or pentagon, gas trend diagram and other information.

Knowledge sharing - advanced users and non-technical users can benefit from it

Although the calculator is not designed to use more sophisticated analytical tools and methods of building DGA expert but it still can be a convenient advanced user use convenient resources at any time.

"For people who need to know the DGA, continuous sampling and sampling according to the years, the calculator is a very valuable tool, and to participate in power transformer monitoring any non-technical personnel (including the DGA experts) is helpful, "Toni Mellin explained that he and Senja even toMichel DuvalDr (named after the analysis of the original developer) demonstrates the calculator.

"The calculator with our flagship DGA on-line monitoring systemOptimusTMOPT100There are a lot of similarities to the UI", Optimus product managerTeemu HanninenExplained."But in the end, it is a means of sharing knowledge and professional skills, make the whole industry can benefit from the modernization of the power transformer condition monitoring methods."

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Disclaimer:The DGA calculator result does not constitute a expert advice is given.Any decision about power transformer, please be sure to consult expert in power transformer.