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Danger of intrinsically safe pharmaceutical environment measurement

Used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology environment intrinsically safe temperature and humidity measurement
Juhani Lehto
High-end product manager
Published: Five month 24, 2023
Industrial manufacturing and process
Industrial measurement
Life science

Ono Pharmaceutical Co., ltd. is a large Japanese Pharmaceutical companies.It was founded in 1717 in Osaka, since 1948, has been to Ono Pharmaceutical Co., name of business and known by the world.In 1916, in addition to create a new chemical technology research and development center, Ono Pharmaceuticals also implemented a visa to pullViewLinc continuous monitoring systemTo monitor controlled environment and application of the cGMP regulations.

ONO still contain harmful material area using visa (IS) secure the nature of temperature and humidity transmitter.Pharmaceutical application may contain flammable and combustible materials and hazardous chemicals.Intrinsically safe HMT370EXIs in the level of 0 to 20 in the danger zone an ideal solution for monitoring of relative humidity and temperature.In addition to the relative humidity and temperature, the transmitter output can also be other humidity measurements, including the dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, concentration of water, the water mass fraction, vapor pressure and enthalpy.

In Ono Pharmaceuticals, visa IS HMT360 transmitter (new generation HMT370EX) IS installed in the explosion-proof cold storage and (through the security gate) connected to the visa DL4000 general input data recorder.Connect the transmitterDL4000 recorderAfter, you can use visa to pull viewLinc continuous monitoring system for monitoring status and alert.

Due to the sensor cable length is adjustable, measuring probe can be placed in position of a certain distance from the transmitter.This makes flexible placed transducer, which can be easily to monitor the inaccessible location.The whole HMT370EX transmitter can be directly installed in a dangerous area.It can be continued exposure to containing flammable gas or dust and explosive environment.Even run in a gas or dust environment, also need not additional protective shell.

On one occasion, ONO of explosion-proof freezer condenser fault occurs.viewLinc系统向指定的 ONO 工作人员发送警报。这些人员随即响应,通过将材料转移到其他冷藏室,保住了材料并消除了阈值偏差。HMT370EX 早在发布之时就已通过多项本质安全型合规认证,包括 ATEX、IECEx、CML、NEPSI、KC、FM、MET、CSA 和 UKEX。Check the conformance statement.

Details about ONO Pharmaceutical Co., a continuous monitoring system, the method of using visa pull viewLinc and how viewLinc Osaka prefecture in 2018 earthquake in northern power failure to maintain data integrity.Data is stored in each of the recorder of memory, to support the complete data recovery and no clearance record.

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Intrinsically safe measuring equipment FAQ

In this FAQ, we introduce the concept of intrinsically safe equipment, installation position and need to be aware of other safety precautions in use process, and briefly discusses the use, the benefits of such equipment in hazardous area.

Intrinsically safe equipment FAQ