
Packaging film makers to environmentally friendly packaging solution choice visa measuring instrument

A roll of plastic packaging film
United Kingdom
Published: Two month 10, 2023
Industrial manufacturing and process
Industrial measurement
Innovation and inspiration

Customer: Futamura UK
Visa offers: HMT330 and HMT360 series humidity and temperature transmitter, and two Indigo520 transmitter and four HMP5 relative humidity and temperature probe

Challenge: continue to manufacture is not at the expense of the environment of packing

With companies from all over the world are trying to reduce the waste and carbon footprint of products, and the rising market demand for environmentally friendly packaging, Futamura take on, has become a large-scale sustainable cellulose packaging film producers in the world, products including its NatureFlex ™ series cellulose packaging film, etc.

To produce this kind of sustainable film, need in the process of production to ensure precise conditions.This makes the high precision of temperature and humidity measurement becomes necessary, especially in the film during drying process and finished product storage.Futamura UK use visa in their entire factory measuring equipment, including air conditioning coating tower's visa HUMICAP ® HMT360 humidity and temperature transmitter.Due to coating tower containing highly flammable solvents, so the products are used in these areas must be after explosion protection environment.Visa pull HMT360 transmitter (has beenHMT370EX ATEX certificationReplace) is intrinsically safe, and therefore suitable to use in the danger zone.

Visa measuring instrument is also used to pull Futamura UK casting machine, installed in dryer in order to measure temperature and humidity.Visa pull HUMICAP ® humidity and temperature instrument series HMT330 demanding industry application is dedicated to provide you with high precision measurement.The transducer control a valve, the valve to increase or reduce the steam into the dryer, keeping humidity in drying each specific film type the required set point.Moisture content is one of the important factors affect the final film properties, therefore accurate control is very important to guarantee quality and reduce waste.Because HMT330 series is early models, Futamura hope their measuring instrument is never out of season, so the company to contact the visa for advice.

Solution: service, support and reliable technology

Visa, the sales manager Andrew Williams visited Futamura in England cumbria girton factory, shows they use the advantages of Indigo, and electrical engineering director David Carr and technical engineer David Mansergh and Chris Reid, discusses the options available.

"We explain to visa, the sales manager where we use HMT330 series instruments, he suggested that we tryIndigo520Display screen and relative humidity and temperature probeHMP5, "Karl explained," we are delighted with the suggestion.He wide in the field of engineering and technology system of product knowledge and rich professional knowledge has played an important role in the decision-making process.He also explained the calibration process to our electrical engineer in detail and how to set up the equipment.Visa service and support is reliable - Andrew provide us with the help of far more than we expected."

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Vaisala Indigo520 installed at the packaging film manufacturer Futamura
Visa pull Indigo520 data processing unit and HMP5 relative humidity and temperature probe in Futamura sustainability in the production of packaging film (image by Futamura friendship

Indigo520 can be connected to two independent probe at the same time, with clear and easy to navigate and touch screen.Futamura appreciate the screen size and easy to read charts, as well as the ability to change the probe calibration.HMP5探头的机械工作方式与他们已经熟悉的 HMT330 设备相同,并且安装的机械硬件相同,这对他们来说也是有利的。

"When you find the products you can trust and the company, to continue the relationship will have a good business sense.Futamura has for years been use visa pull measuring instruments to help us ensure the quality of sustainable packaging film, in the future we will continue to do so.As a factory, we want to keep the site standards, because it can keep the spare parts and, when necessary, to replace equipment.Can definitely say that visa is our ideal brand, because it is reliable, and easy to install and use."
David Carr, Futamura, head of the UK in electrical engineering

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David Carr

David Carr, Futamura UK

Advantages: consistently high quality sustainable packaging film

Through the visa, measuring instruments used in the manufacturing process, Futamura won the following benefits:

  • Accurate control of the production process
  • Consistent product quality
  • To reduce the waste
  • From solution professional trustworthy service and support
  • Mature and reliable solutions with confidence

About Futamura
Futamura is a japanese-owned enterprises, has production plants in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.The company has about 2000 employees, the production of packaging film, fiber casing, non-woven fabric and activated carbon and phenolic laminate.

Chemicals in the bubble

Measure water and liquid concentration

Details about this can guarantee powder and liquid chemicals in the process of production and storage of reliable, quality and safety of the technology:

  • Relative humidity and temperature and dew point sensor and transmitter
  • In situ digital online refractometer