
Visa, Optimus OPT100 DGA analyzer can prevent the influence of solar flares

OPT100 installation
Published: Six month 10, 2019

Elimpus Scottish power installation co., LTD. On behalf of the UK energy suppliers for visa to pull of transformer on-line monitoring solutions, so that the key site provides real-time status updates.In a special case, Optimus DGA on-line monitoring system continuously updated OPT100 Scottish power of 1000 mva autotransformer, and monitor the influence of the magnetic induction current of the assets.

Scottish power, a British energy suppliers and distribution network operators, service in the centre of Scotland and parts of the south, the north of England and wales.It is also a southern Scotland grid owner.

A key site in the heart of Scotland, Scottish power companies want to protect 1000 mva autotransformer from the effects of solar flares, high-energy radiation from the sun's surface strong, lead to radio and magnetic interference to appear on the earth.Combined with local geological conditions, these are likely to damage power transformer magnetic circuit, lead to low transmission efficiency, and cause serious damage to the transformer.

Using Optimus DGA OPT100 transformer monitoring accurately

Scottish power entrusted Elimpus co., LTD., installed Optimus DGA OPT100, in order to accurately and continuously monitoring the transformer condition, to detect the influence of the magnetic induction current, and active maintenance when necessary.

"Scottish power transmission network, there are many need to advanced condition monitoring of strategic transformer, we are increasingly alert to solar flares and the influence of the magnetic induction current on its effective performance."
"Install visa because it conforms to our current on-line DGA equipment specifications, and maintenance free."

- Keith Black, Keith, Black Scottish power system performance, a senior engineer

OPT100 is visa monitoring solution, and by measuring the moisture in transformer oil and seven different fault gas evaluating the status of the transformer.

The reliable technology to achieve good results

OPT100 borrowed from visa in industrial measurement technology has a long history.All device components made from within, and to maintain the high quality, including tunable nondispersive infrared (NDIR) filter, whatever working conditions, the filter can ensure better condition monitor performance.


  • How to protect the autotransformer from the effects of solar flares?

The solution

  • Visa, Optimus ™ DGA OPT100 analyzer used for key power transformer on-line monitoring.


  • Free maintenance, no repair or replacement material.
  • Will not be false alarm: analyzer infrared sensor is based on visa to pull the core measurement technology and the key of the sensor element is in a visa has its own clean room production.
  • Vacuum gas extraction method means that the oil temperature, oil pressure, or oil type will not cause data fluctuation,
  • And sealed and protected optical device can prevent the sensor being polluted.
  • Instruments that can eliminate false alarms.

Tunable non-dispersive infrared filters to keep monitoring team to measure its long-term stable condition.Tunable non-dispersive infrared filter can prevent drift, ensure all to accurately measure the concentration of dissolved gas.

Visa OPT100 of another important advantage lies in its installation process is simple, which makes Elimpus co., LTD., and the Scottish power to quickly finish the online equipment, independent.In addition, the device is not material, do not need regular maintenance.

Since November 2017, the Scottish power companies have been using OPT100, improves the condition monitoring on its assets, and benefit a lot."OPT100 enables us to track the possibility of interference, and can prolong the service life of the transformer and reducing the possibility of unexpected downtime."Keith Blake added.

As the transformer online monitoring device has become increasingly important, Scottish power also installed in the power transformer series more OPT100 device.