Aircraft deicing fluid spray and recycling

Measurement of the aircraft deicing fluid concentration of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol

Flight, in the process of ethylene glycol (EG), propylene glycol (PG), and other aircraft deicing anti-icing fluid can be on the plane surface to protect it, to prevent the atmosphere on the accumulation of ice.While the ground deicing is usually done through spray to the aircraft deicing fluid.Deicing fluid必须与回收系统联用,以收集用过的液体,防止土壤和水资源受到污染。

Visa K - PATENTS®In situ refractometer online through the following stages in the process of deicing measuring the concentration of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol to support the quality and safety inspection:

  • Deicing fluidsprayingStage, must control the concentration of ethylene glycol at this time, because it will affect the freezing point of ethylene glycol/water mixture, and then destroy the effectiveness of the deicing fluid and influence safe operation of the aircraft.
  • Deicing fluidrecyclingPhase, refractometer can monitoring the concentration of the liquid collected in this phase, so that the water discharge to the drainage system, and will dilute ethylene glycol recycling to recycle cans.

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Aviation De Icing Fluid Spraying and Recovery

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