Visa online seminar: vaporizing hydrogen peroxide sensor calibration is introduced

Life science

Used for evaporation of hydrogen peroxide PEROXCAP ® sensors rely on two HUMICAP ® sensor measurements.In this kind of sensor, there is a thin layer of polymer between two electrodes, the film according to the environment to absorb or release the steam humidity change.Humidity changes, dielectric constant and the capacitance sensor changed also.The insulator of dielectric is stop charge;Capacitance is the ability to guide electrical material response voltage change.Polymer film sensors in essence, is in measuring voltage change caused by water vapor content in the environment.Instrument in electronic devices using sensors capacitance is worth to humidity measurements.PEROXCAP ®传感器使用两个 HUMICAP® 传感器:一个有催化层,一个没有催化层。催化层分解过氧化氢,因此具有催化层的 HUMICAP® 传感器仅感测湿度,而没有催化层的传感器则感测过氧化氢蒸汽和空气中的水蒸汽。仪表计算这两个传感器的读数差值,从而得到过氧化氢浓度的测量值。

We suggest that in visa lab for hydrogen peroxide calibration for traceable calibration services.For H2O2, relative saturation, relative humidity, temperature, and the simulation output HPP272 probe calibration.Calibration services provide certificate, you can also choose a full set of instrument maintenance.

If you want to learn more knowledge about hydrogen peroxide sensor calibration, welcome to register to attend this online seminars, workshop main topics include:

  • The uncertainty of calibration and traceability
  • What is the calibration
  • What is the adjustment
  • Different types of adjustment
  • The difference between standard ISO9001 and ISO17025 calibration
  • Parsing HPP270 calibration report
  • HPP270 on-line calibration and calibration

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