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Anu Katka

Anu Katka

The Product manager


Buildings and indoor air quality
Industrial measurement

High quality of the temperature and humidity transmitter can help improve data center PUE?

Data center power consumption accounts for the proportion of global electricity consumption continues to rise.America's recent data show that the data center power consumption amounted to 1.8% of the total power consumption.A greater proportion of energy consumption - far more than computer equipment energy consumption - from cooling.Another environmental factor is used for evaporative cooling of clean water.A lot of plans for the data center energy efficiency (PUE) down to the ideal ratio of 1, including the use of artificial intelligence.

One of the most important requirements to reduce cooling costs is correct measurement conditions.The first thing to consider is:

What do you want to measure?For example, if you need to control the air side economizer or evaporative cooler?This may affect your need what humidity parameter was obtained from the meter.

Where do you measure it, you will?Installation position should be representative.If you want to measure the humidity and temperature outdoor, should put sensors in the position of the free air, and away from any heat dissipation and the surface of the interference measurement.

What level of accurate measurement you need?Please consider the requirement of control system.Choosing instrument to meet those requirements, you should also consider long-term drift and maintenance plan.

Choice is designed for the corresponding installation position of the instrument.Specially designed for outdoor measurement, you will need to the transmitter, suitable for outdoor conditions.

How do you verify and maintain measuring instrument?All instrument need regular check, so you are please internal trained staff perform inspection, third party service company is equipped with an additional calibration instrument take it to the factory?According to your choice, is easy to perform the regular inspection?

In a data center typically use several kinds of temperature and humidity transmitter: outdoor humidity sensor, humidity sensor and metope installed or indoor humidity sensor.

Outdoor humidity sensor

Outdoor temperature and humidity sensors for air side economizer and cooling tower.The most advanced economizer control example is the use of differential enthalpy (heat content).You measure the outdoor air enthalpy value, and then use the back when risk control system to adjust the hot air return and when to use the outdoor air.

Output has the wet bulb temperature outdoor humidity sensor direct instructions when you can use the evaporative cooler.Wet bulb temperature indication for evaporative cooling can be achieved when the temperature;If the humidity outdoor is too high, the rate of evaporation is low, the cooling effect is very small.

Outdoor temperature and humidity sensor is one of the most important components of solar radiation protection cover, it can reduce the effects of the sun to heat measurement.Seemingly small design changes in adverse conditions can easily lead to additional heating of 1-2 ° C.

Outdoor sensor is affected by the nature may apply to them all, including freezing rain and high winds.Data center must be all-weather operation, thus are not allowed to fail!

Appropriate outdoor humidity sensor will be equipped with good solar radiation shields.Solar radiation protection cover internal black coating, to keep the sensor cooling is necessary.

Pipeline humidity sensor

Using pipe in pipe and air handling unit to control temperature and humidity sensor and measure from the center of the data return air inlet conditions.They used to supplement the outdoor humidity sensor, in order to return air and outdoor gas enthalpy difference can be calculated.If the installation in the humidifier or air intake pipe, some pipe sensor may be affected by the bad condition.

When installing equipment, please consider how to carry out regular inspection.Are provided for reference during installation is usually very easy to add the probe of the port.In this way, you can easily refer to probe into the pipe, the readings comparing with pipe sensor readings.

Metope or indoor humidity sensor

Metope or indoor sensor measuring actual conditions within the data center.Humidity condition is usually benign;But the rate of change can be fast response load fluctuations and to adjust the level of switching between air and free cooling.Due to the airflow around the sensors usually slower than the airflow pipe sensor, so get longer response time to temperature changes.May also have electricity
Line and run under higher temperature in the heat release of other equipment, which could lead to some humidity sensor drift.For rapid temperature fluctuations, use as the dew point temperature humidity control parameters may be better, because it does not depend on the temperature of the sensor.

You also need to consider conditions are measured and used to control the purpose of, because the heat load (cold channel or warm
Channels) before and after, the temperature and humidity will be significantly different.You can get high quality instrument, they at high accuracy measuring conditions - accuracy as high as 0.1 ° C and 1% RH equipment widely available, but a slight mobile sensors can lead to great changes.

Even a small error of measurement will also make your energy costs increased significantly, so buy quality meter and measure is in good condition is necessary.More carefully to choose the appropriate installation position.

Are you interested in understanding more about conditions while maintaining the cost efficiency, optimization of content?Welcome to our professional articles:How to improve the efficiency and reliability of the data center?

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