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How to improve the efficiency and reliability of the data center?

Anu Katka

Anu Katka


Buildings and indoor air quality
Industrial manufacturing and process
Industrial measurement

More than 7 million data centers around the world energy consumption accounts for about 2% of global energy demand, therefore, any can improve data center energy efficiency measures will be significant.On average, cooling and air conditioning account for 40% of the data center energy consumption - can accurately HVAC air conditioning (HVAC) measurement is very important to optimize energy use.So, the quality of the hvac sensor how to save the energy consumption and improve the reliability of the data center?

Data center is more demanding

Such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning to do massive data processing applications, increasing the demand for data center.And, by the companies shift to cloud computing, as well as to reduce the delay, in the edge of the data center close to the end user demand is increasing, the influence of such factors as demand rise further lead to the data center.

In addition, in the past decade, we also saw the key business data center to the large scale development, such as the big data companies such as Google and Amazon.Although very large scale data centers on the overall scale is small, but their relative market share is increasing.

All this means that as more data center on-line and expansion of existing data center, data center energy consumption will increase.According to theHuawei technologies co., LTD., a study carried outEstimates that by 2030, global IT energy consumption could be twice more than the current level, which suggests that improve the efficiency of data centers is imminent.

Improve energy efficiency in data center

The commonly used indicator is used to measure data center energy efficiency power efficiency (PUE), defined as a data center using the total energy and only use the ratio of the energy IT equipment.

Ideally, the PUE should be 1.This means that all of the energy consumption on the IT equipment, supporting infrastructure is not consume any energy.In fact, typical of traditional data center PUE is about 2, and very large scale data center PUE at about 1.2.In 2020, the average global PUE is about 1.6, which means that the data center, nearly 40% of the energy used in consumption is not IT systems.

Cooling and measuring the key role

Cooling and air conditioning cost accounts for most of non-it data center energy consumption, fast cooling costs alone accounted for 25% of the total energy spending even more.This is because the server rack will produce a lot of need from the excess heat.

Read more:Heat and cooling energy costs for the data center

Can through good design, and the key of accurate hvac measure to optimize cooling.If the temperature reading is too high, it may cause excessive cooling, resulting in excessive energy consumption;If the temperature reading is too low, it may lead to insufficient cooling, thus increase the risk of server outages.Even 1 ° C measurement error, and in ten years will also increase energy costs millions of euros.

Data centers and sensors

Because billions of dollars worth of critical data in the data center for processing and storage, thus consumes large server must remain in the ideal temperature and humidity conditions, in order to prevent downtime.

Will need to do it in different location using different sensors for various types of measurement, including:

  • In the data room and server room for measurement of the temperature of cold and hot channel
  • Through the ventilation system to measure temperature, humidity and differential pressure pipelines
  • By cooling system immersion temperature and differential pressure measurement

High quality sensors for efficient control of hvac process and guarantee the indoor environment stability is critical.Provide the ideal value of whole life cycle of sensor is usually accurate, able to provide a stable long-term measurement, and easy to maintain.

Read more:The data center of sensor

Select the considerations of the transducer

For the data center need to consider many factors when choosing a sensor, including:

  • Whether the solution is flexible and support according to the data center scale growth and change in response to the changes in the demand for business and extend?
  • Products can be easily according to need replacement or upgrade?
  • Installation is quick and convenient?
  • Calibration and maintenance is easy?Instrument provider support?

Interchangeable measuring probe or module instrument can not interfere with the measurement process under the condition of rapid change.The traceability of the calibration certificate is very important, because they show that the sensor in the factory in good condition.If you can use the instrument provider provides the tools in the field of easily perform on-site inspection, calibration, adjustment and fine-tuning will also be an advantage.

High quality of the sensor is a wise choice

From the point of view of reliability and cost, high quality hvac sensors can bring good value.Accurate measurement can lead to accurate control, improve energy efficiency and the stability of the indoor environment, compared with the benefits, all this investment is worth it.Want to learn more about how to reduce cooling energy costs through higher measurement accuracy?downloadInsiders guide free of chargeAbout by accurate measurement data center cooling energy consumption were reduced and the skill.

Get free electronic guide on how to reduce cooling costs

Anu Katka

Anu Katka

The product manager


Anu Katka is visa industrial measure, head of global product management department.She in building automation and management system, and measurement and monitoring solutions have rich experience.


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