Can realize efficient sweetened condensed milk production of the total solids content online measurement

Sweetened condensed milk is one way to preserve the milk.It is also in producing candy and sweets and components.Produced by whole milk or skim milk sweetened condensed milk sugar usually is 62-65%.Through online control is very important to ensure that the appropriate amount of sugar added, because it can affect the shelf life of product, flavor, and cost effective.

Online measuring brix degree, total solids content and total soluble solid content, in order to meet the sweetened condensed milk quality requirements

Download the application shows that the understanding in the whole process of sweetened condensed milk production, visa, K - PATENTS ® health type refractometer, dialogue, total solids content (TS) or total soluble solid content (TDS) measurements of how to improve the overall operation:

  • Standardization: refractometer measurement required accurate solid content, in order to meet the legal standards.Fresh milk also need to be in this measurement, in order to determine the required amount of sugar added.
  • Evaporation: refractometer is used for monitoring the performance of the evaporator, in order to help achieve the required concentration of milk.

Type visa, K - PATENTS ® health refractometer meet safety standards for food processing and production of high quality product.The refractometer by 3 - A health standard and EHEDG certification, can tolerate CIP cleaning and high temperature process.

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