Transportation, storage and safety

When harvesting around the post-processing and ensure it to remain fresh and high quality need ideal storage and transport conditions.

After picking fresh fruits and vegetables will continue to metabolic activity, and the breathing process involved in the oxidation of sugar, will produce carbon dioxide, water and heat.In order to prolong the shelf life of products, need to set the temperature of the storage facilities in advance and the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration monitoring.

In addition, the monitoring of CO2Level to protect the safety of the staff in the warehouse and production facilities is crucial.

The need when humidity is to create the ideal conditions for monitoring of another important parameters.Humidity and dew point仪表有助于准确监测储存和运输设施中的湿度水平。

Used to meet the ideal storage and safety conditions of the solution

In order to ensure the food fresh, must always maintain the ideal storage conditions.This can be achieved by monitoringhumidityandCO2Level to achieve.
Control of refrigerated warehousehumidityandThe temperatureLevel helps reduce frost and condensation, energy efficiency, and reduce the cost of defrosting.
Accurate monitoring can reduce unnecessary heating air humidity level, and reduce energy costs.
Finally, the monitoring of CO2Concentration to protect the safety of the staff in production and storage facilities is crucial.

Fruit and vegetable storage monitoring

Maintain the ideal fruit and vegetable storage conditions help to prevent water loss and decay appear and the phenomenon of aging.

By monitoring the food storage facilities of CO2, humidity and temperature, you can ensure that the product freshness and flavor, reduce waste.

Details about fruit and vegetable storage monitoring.

Cold storage warehouse

Refrigerated warehouse a comfortable environment for perishable foods need to be refrigerated, achieve the food quality.

Learn how to by measuring the humidity parameters to improve the efficiency of the refrigerated warehouse.

Condensation monitoring

Reasonable humidity control helps to prevent condensation in the freezer.

Learn how to use humidity and dew point instrument accurately monitor humidity levels.

CO2 refrigerant monitoring

Carbon dioxide (CO2)Is a cheap, energy saving, environmental protection refrigerants.However, the gas leakage may occur, and high concentration will be life-threatening.

Know how to use CO2The people who work in the space to realize reliable refrigeration CO2Leak detection.

CO2 monitoring in the applications of refrigeration

In the refrigerator storage, vegetables, fruit ripening room refrigerators and brewery, food, transportation, industry, accurate measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) in order to ensure product quality and comply with environmental requirements related to safety is very important.

Learn how to reliably measuring carbon dioxide in different applications.

Jade Smart Cloud monitoring system

Visa, cloud-based solutions can be used in the management of temperature and humidity monitoring data and environmental conditions.

Visa, Jade Smart Cloud monitoring system could be used in warehouses, cold storage and manufacturing area measurement data of the place such as easy to record, store, and report and sounded the alarm for data.Customers can use these data to better understand their application facilitates maintenance and optimization, improvement of process flow, plan, and site analysis.

Learn how to use Jade Smart Cloud wireless monitoring system easy to collect and share data.

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