
The origin of the visa to pull

Visa origins can be traced back to the 1930 s, at that time, the visa is the founder and long-term, managing director of professor VilhoVaisala invented the part of the operating principle of radiosonde.Company was founded in 1936 in Finland, the birth of the first radiosonde in Helsinki city center of the basement of a residential building.The company gradually developed from a small company for many world leader in the field of measurement.The company gradually developed from a small company for many world leader in the field of measurement.

Now, visa employs about 1800 employees, products 98% export, sell well in more than 150 countries.No matter the past or now, curiosity, desire to meet the challenge and remarkable innovation ability are pull at the core of the visa.

Professor VilhoVaisala prize

Professor VilhoVaisala prize was established in 1985.The award recognizes outstanding observation instrument and observation method research papers.

In 2004, the second professor VilhoVaisala award.The award recognizes observation instrument and observation method in developing countries the development and implementation work.

Two award is given every two years at a time.Two awards by the world meteorological organization (WMO) management, including MEDALS, certificates, and $10000 in cash.Awards are usually with WMO weather environment observation instruments and techniques assembly (TECO) held together.

The first tower VilhoVaisala award in 1986 for all visa company headquarters.The awards ceremony coincided with visa of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the company.Since 1986, professor VilhoVaisala paper award every year, the world meteorological organization resident representative countries in the world in the selection.More information about the awards, please visit the WMO Vilho Vaisala professor prize's web site.

More information about the awards,Please visit the WMO Vilho Vaisala professor awards site.

Professor VilhoVaisala prize winner

In 2018 the winners

26 th Award for An Outstanding Research Paper on Instruments and the Methods of Observation

Asko Huuskonen, Mikko Kurri and Iwan Holleman
Improved analysis of solar signals for differential reflectivity monitoring, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 2016, p. 3183-3192

4 th Award for Development and Implementation of Instruments and the Methods of Observation in Developing Countries

Fan Yang, XingHua Yang, Wen re-arrest --, Mamtimin Ali, XinQian Zheng, ChengLong Zhou and the Qing He
A continuously weighing, high frequency sand trap: wind tunnel and field evaluations, Geomorphology, 293, April 2017, p. 84-92

In 2016 the winners

The 25th observation instrument and observation methods of the Russian federation's national institute of hydrology research award for outstanding research paper M.S. Golubev, D.A. Konovalov, a. Yu.

R.J. Dirksen, m. Sommer, F.J. Immler, D.F. Hurst, r. Kivi and h. Vomel
Reference high-quality high altitude measurement: visa RS92 GRASS of radiosonde data processing atmospheric measurement technology, 7, pp. 4490-4463, 2014

The award recognizes observation instrument and observation method in developing countries the development and implementation work.

Ms Amudha Bakthavathsalu and Rabia Merrouchi Dr

Survey about danger and outdated instruments alternatives: questionnaire assessment and alternative SuggestionsWMO, IOM report no. 117, 2014

In 2014 the winners

The 24th observation instrument and observation method outstanding paper award

Overeem, h. Leijnse and r. Uijlenhoet (all come from the Netherlands)

In 2013, the thesis from the cellular network state precipitation map was published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences vol 110, no. 8, pp. 2745-2741, 2013.

In 2012 the winners

23rd observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

R. Boers, M.J. DE Haij, W.M.F. Wauben, h. Klein Baltink, L.H. van Ulft, m. Savenije (all come from the Netherlands) and C.N. Long (USA).

Paper "points cloud are optimized by the five kinds of ground remote sensing measurement", published in the journal of geophysical research
Published in the journal of geophysical research vol 115, D24116, doi: 10.1029/2010 JD014661, 2010.

In 2010 the winners

The 22nd observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

Of America's national oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) Pamela Heiselman, David Priegnitz, Kevin Manross, Travis Smith and Richard Adams won the award for the 22nd paper, their paper titled

"Through the national weather radar test rig phased-array radar fast samples to strong storms".

Thesis describes, according to a study of test-bed phased-array radar adaptable, able to rapid development of deep convective storm the characteristics of high temporal resolution scanning.

In 2008 the winners

The 21st observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

Olivier Bousquet, Pierry Tabary and Jacques Parent duChatelet
The 21 th VilhoVaisala professor award, their paper titled

The value of the integrated use of doppler wind field.

The second observation instrument and observation method in developing countries develop and implement award

Luca g. Lanza (Italy), Michel Leroy (France), Christophe Alexandropoulos (France), Luigi Stagi (Italy) and says Willem M.F. Wauben (Netherlands)
Won the second Vilho Vaisala professor award, their paper titled

The world meteorological organization than rainfall intensity meter laboratory.

In 2006 the winners

The first observation instrument and observation method in developing countries develop and implement award

From the met office, John Nash, Richard Smout and Mark Smees Sir, and from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa) Mr Carl Bower.
These scientists won the award, and their joint paper titled:

The 30 October 18 solstice 2004 IMS1600 system integrated atmosphere of demonstration experiment in dar es salaam.

In 2005 the winners

The 20th observation instrument and observation method outstanding paper award

Bangalore m. Visvesvaraya institute of technology, Joseph p. Pichamuthu professor.

The award is to recognize his contribution in the field of meteorological optical visibility (MOR), meteorological optical visibility is the foundation of the plane landed safely.

In 2004 the winners

The 19th annual observation instrument and observation method outstanding paper award

From the royal Netherlands meteorological institute (KNMI) Iwan Holleman and Hans Beekhuis
The double pulse repetition frequency speed data analysis and correction"

In 2003 the winners

The 18th annual observation instruments outstanding paper award and observation methods

From Paul scherrer institute in Switzerland's Urs Baltensperger, Martin Gysel and Ernest Weingartner professor, their paper titled

The hygroscopicity of aerosol particles under the condition of low temperature - H - new type low temperature TDMA instrument: installation and application for the first time

In 2002 the winners

The 17th observation instrument and observation methods outstanding paper award

From the world radiation center in Switzerland (PMOD/WRC) Physikalisch - Meteorologische observatory Rolf Philipona, Ph.D., his paper titled

The scanning radiometer for absolute measurement of the atmospheric long wave radiation sky"

In 2001 the winners

The 16th observation instrument and observation method of the Russian federation's national institute of hydrology research award for outstanding research paper M.S. Golubev, D.A. Konovalov, a. Yu.

Germany's meteorological service Ulrich Gorsdorfand and Dr Volker, Mr. Lehman, their paper titled

The enhanced due to improve the temperature correction RASS measured temperature accuracy"

In 2000 the winners

The 15th observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

Pilot radiation observation test center (PROBE) Edgeworth Westwater, Dr Yong Han, Mr Jack Sinder, Dr James Churnside, Joseph Dr Shaw, Mr Michael Falls, Dr Charles Long, Dr Thomas Ackerman, Dr Kenneth Dr Gage, Warner Mr Acklund and Anthony, Dr Embry-riddleaeronautical their paper titled "during the period of the PROBE, the tropical western Pacific ground-based remote sensor observations"

"During the period of the PROBE, the tropical western Pacific ground-based remote sensor observations"

In 1999 the winners

The 14th observation instrument and observation methods outstanding paper award

Canada's climate center Barry Dr Coodison and Mr Paul Louie, and the university of Alaska Daqing Dr Yang (China), their paper titled

The world meteorological organization solid-state precipitation measurement than - the final report

In 1998 the winners

The 13th observation instruments outstanding paper award and observation methods

M.S. Golubev, D.A. Konovalov, a. Yu. Simonenko, st Petersburg and the Russian federation of national normal university, Yu. V. Tovmach, their paper titled "the Valdai monitoring system (VMS) precipitation estimation of measurement error

The Valdai monitoring system (VMS) precipitation estimation of measurement error

In 1997 the winners

The 12th observation instrument and observation methods outstanding paper award

Australian bureau of meteorology, Melbourne, Bruce w. Forgan, Ph.D., his paper titled

"For reference and the new calibration method of the sunshine intensity meter

In 1996 the winners

The 11th observation instruments outstanding paper award and observation methods

Oklahoma Norman national severe storms laboratory Dusan s. Zrnic, Dr
The mesoscale meteorology research cooperation and the university of Oklahoma institute of Alexander Ryzhkov, their paper titled

The precipitation and 10 cm wavelength attenuation measurement

In 1995 the winners

The tenth observation instrument and observation method outstanding paper award

British bracknell the met office Anthony C.L. Dr Lee, his paper titled

The hybrid resolution satellites for multispectral image filtering, sampling and information content in the

In 1994 the winners

The ninth observation instrument and observation methods outstanding paper award

Maryland, us national oceanic and atmospheric administration of Dian j. Gaffen, Ph.D., his paper titled

"The history change of radiosonde and practice"

In 1993 the winners

The eighth observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

Holland PASCAL biet royal Netherlands meteorological institute (KNMI) j. p. van derMeulen Dr, his paper titled

"The world meteorological organization than automatic digital barometer"

In 1992 the winners

The seventh observation instrument and observation methods outstanding paper award

Dr Bracknell UK met office D.J. Griggs, D.W. Mr Jones, m. Ouldridge Sir, W.R. Mr Sparks, their paper titled

"The world meteorological organization visibility measurement than"

In 1991 the winners

The sixth observation instrument and observation methods outstanding paper award

British bracknell the UK met office Mr Malcolm Kitchen, his paper titled

"Global observation network high standing performance comparison"

In 1990 the winners

The fifth observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

Dr Peter May in Melbourne, Australia national weather service, the United States of America's national oceanic and atmospheric administration, Colorado, Dr Richard Strauch and Colorado, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa) Kenneth Mr Moran, their paper titled "RASS temperature measurement accuracy"

RASS temperature measurement accuracy,

In 1989 the winners

The fourth observation instrument and observation method outstanding paper award

Britain bracknell Dr John Nash and & service in the United States of America's national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa), Colorado, Dr Francis j. Schmidlin their paper titled

The world meteorological organization international radiosonde is "(1984 1985), the United States

In 1988 the winners

The third observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

Service in Potsdam, Germany Dietrich east German paper, professor of his paper titled

The world meteorological organization Assman inhaled psychrometer than"

In 1987 the winners

The second observation instruments outstanding paper award and observation methods

Zurich, Switzerland, the Swiss federal institute of technology, the federal institute of technology, geography, hydrology group of Boris Sevruk Dr

The future general rainfall instrument development direction

In 1986 the winners

The first observation instrument and observation method of outstanding paper award

The British bracknell, deputy director of the UK met office C.G. Mr Collier

"The accuracy of the radar rainfall estimate"