To seek the answer, to take action to eliminate doubts

Our world is facing a pressing from the social and environmental challenges, which made us than any time before depends on accurate and reliable data to make decisions.
Our weather, environment and industrial measuring solution can enhance security for the customer, to improve the work efficiency and make the right decisions.Observing the world and create a better future is our mission.

Download section: visa recently application guidelines and case application

Visa explosion-proof knowledge and webinars HMT370EX product introduction

Used in the dangerous environment "in the" equipment is essential, it can prevent release enough to cause a fire equipment and circuitry of electricity or thermal energy.This safety type equipment visa HMT370EX is safe and reliable to measure the humidity and temperature, even at zero area, also added a few key advantages.

Water drops

Visa humidity calculator: make the complex manual calculation and conversion become a thing of the past

Free visa psychrometric software allows you to pull more humidity parameters by a known value calculation.Instant unit conversion, and view the changing environmental conditions (such as temperature and pressure).

EGuide Conversion formulas

Humidity parameter conversion: details about formula used to calculate the humidity parameters and methods

This ebook will give you a detailed introduction is used to calculate different humidity variable functions and methods.You'll learn about saturated vapour pressure, relative humidity, dew point and frost point, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, enthalpy, H2O content, wet bulb temperature, molecular weight, English unit conversion, etc.

Industry 5.0 - How to practice the from it?

Electronic guide: how to choose the ideal instrument for process

Through this ebook, you'll learn: intelligent instrument for successful and efficient operation is so important;According to the 10 key problems, to determine their requirement for measuring instrument;Suitable for all kinds of measurement requirements of modern measuring solution.

Green の に water droplets - humidity

Visa humidity series webinars

Humidity in an industrial process or industrial environment is one of the important measurement parameter, we welcome the humidity series online workshop will introduce you to: the basic concept of humidity measurement, how to choose an ideal humidity measuring instrument, humidity measurement of ideal solution.

The data center

Application guide: high quality of the temperature and humidity transmitter can help improve the efficiency of energy use data center

Is particularly important to reduce cooling costs is one of the requirements of correct measurement conditions.In a data center typically use several kinds of temperature and humidity transmitter: outdoor humidity sensor, humidity sensor and metope installed or indoor humidity sensor.To understand how the temperature and humidity transmitter of high quality to help improve the efficiency of energy use data center?

Electronic guide: key parameters measurement of biogas plant

Biogas production is a smart technology.However, a large number of potential remains underused, experts in the field are ambitious development based on biological industrial process.In using the new waste resources, increasing the number of by-products and optimize the current exist the possibility of a large number of biogas technology.How to further optimize the technological process?Connected to the plant monitoring system and can be easily integrated into the process of high quality instrument will help the factory managers to improve the quality of biogas and reduce operational costs.

The Word cloud - humidity

Technology guide: how to choose suitable humidity instrument for high humidity applications

It is difficult to humidity measurement high humidity environment.Saturation in the environment caused in all (including measuring sensor) is formed on the cooling surface, it can be deadly for some technical problems.Though visa HUMICAP ® can undergo condensation technology, but still need time to recover from the effects of the water, and then to provide reliable measuring results again.Expect high humidity or occasional typical applications include condensation drying process, test chamber, combustion air humidifier, meteorological measurement and fuel cells.

Download the electronic guide about improving operational efficiency

Electronic guide about improving operational efficiency

The compressed air electronic guide provides you with about how to use the accurate measurement and control to improve the compressed air drying process of some practical skills.This will help you avoid excessive and dry compressed air, compressed air at the same time to ensure access to quality, to increase profits, reduce running energy costs.

Hvac control, high quality measuring instrument

Visa for hvac applications, humidity, temperature and co2 instruments

In order to achieve the ideal of hvac control, the quality of the measuring instrument is indispensable.Visa used for measuring humidity, temperature and co2 measurement instrument is cost effective, reliable, accurate and easy to use, can be used in both indoor and outdoor, and can be installed on the wall and the ventilation duct.

Through smart metering, and improve the manufacturing technology of lithium ion battery

Application guide: through smart metering, and improve the manufacturing technology of lithium ion batteries

Lithium ion battery in the manufacturing process is sensitive to humidity.This challenging production environment humidity detection instrument has reliable performance and for may have been caused by the by-product in the process with strong resistance.

Intrinsically Safe

Intrinsically safe apparatus is helpful to reduce the risk of dangerous sites

Intrinsically safe (IS) IS used to prevent an explosion caused by electrical equipment in the dangerous environment of a concept.Dangerous environment refers to the sites may contain explosive gas or fine powder mixture.If produce sparks or high temperature during equipment operation, the electrical equipment may be lit up the mixture.Intrinsically safe system through clever design and installation of all equipment, even under the condition of the fault does not produce sufficient to cause the energy of explosive gas mixture.

New dynamic

Tony Wimpenny BohrEng - AnttiHeikkila Vaisala

To speed up the transformation of green

Climate of emergency jointly with the energy crisis is brewing storm a global challenge.Variety of dealing with the urgent situation of international initiatives are under way, and methane as the core of many of these initiatives.Methane is a large number of human greenhouse gas (after co2GHG), accounting for global emissions20%.Methane ozeme depletion potential global warming is carbon dioxide25Times, but due to their persistence in the atmosphere is poor...

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Laboratory monitoring and alarming system

Visa support Sorbonne university in pesticide related environmental research

Since the2016Years, the Sorbonne university ecological and environmental science research institute (IEES) has been using visa continuous monitoring system for real-time data, control insect breeding experiment box and the experiment of the temperature and humidity.Damage to the institute is committed to the rehabilitation of the environment, ecological and sustainable management of biological resources and ecosystem services, and to develop innovative strategies and tools to adapt to changes in global development.

Temperature and wet � DHS...

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Greenery and finance buildings

Visa pull made ESG Sustainalytics recognition, a rating agency

recently,In the field of meteorology, environmental and industrial measurement cultivated dozensloadtheEquipment suppliers visa made international rating agenciesSustainalyticsESGRisk rating scores9.7The former, electronic equipment industry2%, belong toESGRisk level enterprise "negligible".This means that the environmental, social and governance (ESGRisk factors), visa because of its goodESGRisk management and become low risk investment...

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Indigo500 with HMP7 and TMP1 the probes

Visa in industrial measurement products

Visa measurement technology (Beijing) co., LTDResearch and development, production and industrial measuring system and equipment, committed to providing high quality products to improve the quality of people's life, protect the environment, make the production process and efficient safety and energy efficiency.With the deep accumulation, excellent service the large industry customers.Industrial measurement部的产品涵盖了测量温湿度、露点、二氧化碳、油中水分及变压器溶解气体、过氧化氢、沼气、溶液浓度、风速风向、大气压力以及其它气象参数,广泛应用于工业、农业、民用及科研院所,主要包括电力、生命科学、暖通空调等诸多领域。

Contact us:

Industrial CeLiangBu sales hotline: 400 810 0126
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Visa China service center (calibration and maintenance) : 400 810 0125
Email address:. The customer service[email protected]

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The meteorological environment monitoring Industrial measurement

Visa industrial CeLiangBu sales hotline: 400 810 0126
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