Maintenance services

When the instrument must be replacement parts or to a wider range of repair to return to the original performance, you need to acceptMaintenance services.Even if very durable equipment may also encounter such a situation, at this time, you can trust our specialist and service.We will not only for instrument repair, can also carry on the calibration and adjustment to ensure accuracy.

Full service
Visa instrument maintenance services include:

  • Troubleshooting and processing
  • Use the original factory original replacement parts required components
  • Artificial service and working hours
  • According to your choice for calibration
  • Adjust the instrument
  • Function test
  • Service reports and calibration certificates

The specific content of maintenance may be different because of instrument model and status.

The main advantage

Prolong service life, allowing you to investment

In instrument in the life cycle of an accident or failure, choose visa service helps to protect your investment.Our reasonable price acceptable maintenance, to ensure product performance and accuracy at the same time effectively prolong life.

Prices are fixed, security performance

Most products repair prices are fixed.Price covers repair services needed for the product performance, such as troubleshooting and maintenance, calibration and functional test and all the necessary parts and artificial.When shipping the attached calibration certificates and test reports and other official documents, prove the instrument condition and precision meet the technical specifications, can be at ease use.Process, after the completion of maintenance and replacement of material enjoy 6 months warranty period.

Fast delivery, response at any time

Visa, modern service center continuously optimize the order processing process and parts supply management, provide quick repair service: most of the maintenance service can be delivered within 10 working days.Through our online portal can access to support services, maintenance and calibration process, and terms of transparent.