Continuous monitoring system for calibration services

Visa data recorder for the continuous monitoring system and instrument calibration provides a variety of options, so as to verify and ensure the measurement accuracy.

Simply chooseService center of the calibration,Field calibrationorThe probe replacement service, the rest of the job to our professional staff.All calibration options provide the official calibration certificate, the certificate is suitable for use in internal and external audit.

Service center of the calibration

In a visa of calibration laboratory carry out ISO 9001 traceable calibration or calibration official ISO/IEC 17025

  • A wide range of the calibration range and options
  • Adjustment and maintenance services (optional)
  • Calibration certificates of calibration results before and after the adjustment

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Field calibration

Visa pull professionals to perform single point or multi-point calibration on site

  • Without system downtime, avoid the loss of data
  • Worry and convenient - save internal resources
  • Provide the calibration certificate

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Probe Replacement Service (the Probe Replacement Service)

Package services, packages containing match the original probe calibration certificate before the adjustment of new replacement probe (only specific visa data recorder model)

  • Original factory calibration accuracy, less downtime
  • Probe change quick and easy, just less than a minute
  • Provide the calibration certificate

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