Continuous monitoring system for technical support

We strive to provide technical support for the continuous monitoring system for the user.

  • Professional reply within one working day
  • Convenient customer support channel
  • Trained professionals
  • According to the requirements for on-site support

In addition to the regular technical support, we also offer round-the-clock technical support, it isLife cycle maintenance agreementPart of the service content.

The main advantages

The quick reply

Quick reply to support request is visa support provided by a standard function configuration.We guarantee that the reply to support requests within one working day.In the case of an emergency need for real-time monitoring system for customer support, we suggest to choose a CMS life cycle maintenance support plan contains round-the-clock technical support options.

Convenient support channel

According to the need, you can easily contact through a variety of ways for our technical support.To learn about how to contact us for more information, please pass this page "contact tech support" button on the surface of the view options.


Our technical support team is composed of well-trained professionals, they have an understanding of continuous monitoring system products.Team will ensure that assist you relaxed and comfortable to use the system, so as to simplify your work.