Continuous monitoring system for training

Visa viewLinc pull in providing training services.Through the study of the system characteristics and functions of personnel training, can make full use of the continuous monitoring system.Whether you are deploying a new monitoring system and expand the existing monitoring system is to adapt to the personnel changes, our training allows you to use the system correctly and in accordance with the FDA's regulatory requirements such as 21 CFR 211.25.

Choose to suit their needs of training options:

  • Live webcast with technical support specialists for guidance training courses
  • Practice and guide the on-site training

The main advantages

On-site training

On-site training content including viewLinc software and system overview, and according to the task of users and administrators learning practice.Training goal is to make sure the user a better understanding of the system.On-site trainingUsually with安装和配置服务一起提供,但也可以单独购买。

Online training

Online training provides a training of personnel around the widely distributed in the method, the operation is simple and can be used as an on-demand service.Life cycle maintenance agreement customers also can use the interactive multimedia training tools, users can learn how to use the system according to their plan.

All-weather learning tools

ViewLinc contains comprehensive software of embedded help and user manual, including software allows the user to complete the task in the period of learning "tutorials".In addition, the active support plan including the provision of guidance viewLinc network teaching video library access for autonomous learning.

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