Extended warranties

Extended warranties increased protection for equipment life - more years to extend the original warranty coverage is provided by visa, and extended warranty increased protection for equipment life - more years to extend the original warranty coverage provided by visa to pull.

Extended warranty service is to extend visa standard warranty conditions, during the contract period, increase up to five years.It allows prediction and is easy to estimate the cost structure of the spare parts consumption.Extended warranties for help to estimate the life cycle cost in advance, eliminate the cost of a sharp peak.

Visa instruments can be extended warranties

  • humidity
  • Dew point
  • pressure
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Oil moisture
  • Hydrogen in the oil
  • Wind sensor

Need regular calibration and maintenance

Even high performance instrumentation needs regular calibration and maintenance, to ensure that they can provide accurate data.Our global service center provides a wide range of calibration services, to meet your specific needs: the examination and approval by the certification agency standard calibration, custom and calibration services.


  1. To protect your investment
  2. Avoid repairs the annual changes
  3. Improve the whole life cycle cost prediction