Visa, gas measurement solutions in the UK won the "instrument of excellence award"

The winning products
The eleventh month 2, 2022
A press release

Visa,theGas meterIn the UK won the"Instrumentation excellence award"

Visa,Won the"Instrumentation excellence award"The first prize.theThe company'sThe winning product MGP261instrumentIs triad measuring products,For biogas production,Can create more value with waste.On Thursday inLondonheldThe awards ceremony.

Annual gas detection products to slow climate change

Visa to pull more MGP261 gas measuring instrument awards won "the annual gas detection products" category.Even in the dangerous environment, it also without sampling measure methane methane, humidity and temperature in the processing pipeline.

"The new technology for biogas plant operators is a big change."Visa product managerAnttiHeikkila.Explains.

"Using this instrument, they not only can more effectively control the biogas production, reduce costs, and can improve the quality of biogas.By helping to improve the efficiency and financial efficiency, the technology can also help slow climate change.Anaerobic fermentation turning waste into renewable energy, reduces the dependence on fossil fuels, is especially important in the energy crisis."Heikkila commented.

Visa, the sales managerAndrew WilliamsAlso attended the ceremony.
Williams said: "I feel proud and happy about winning, and would like to thank the entire team, without them, there is no this award, including visa, research scientists and engineers, I would also like to thank our customers and partners, thank them choose our technical measure, and using these measurements to promote business development."

Unswervingly develop sustainable technologies

Visa to pull through its significant effects on measurement solutions for the sustainable development, for example through three ways to help slow climate change.The first, with the aid of visa environment observation ability, the ability of scientists to study climate change.Second, through the visa to pull of accurate measuring instrument was used to optimize process, the customer can minimize waste, improving energy efficiency, improve the renewable energy production, for example, with the aid of the winning MGP261 instrument to improve the biogas technology.Third, visa can accurate weather monitoring system, helping scientists to prepare for extreme weather and timely adjust.

More and moreMedia information

Miia Lahti
Visa pr manager
50, 555 + 358 to 4420.[email protected]

Visa,Is the weather, environment and industrial measurement equipment manufacturer.Based on the 85 years of rich experience, visa is committed to create a better world through observation, its technology can function in the space environment, and even more distant locations on Mars exploration mission and stable operation.We are customer reliable partners, can provide observation and measurement products and services.Visa,总部位于芬兰,在全球拥有 2,000 多名专业人员,公司在纳斯达克赫尔辛基证券交易所上市。

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