Visa, Indigo products are portable measuring new products

HMP80 and the Indigo80
Three month 8, 2023
A press release

Visa,IndigoProduct series of new portable measurement products

Indigo80Handheld display meter for the visaIndigoProduct series of measurement functions added portability.Visa to pull overIndigo80Released the two paragraphsCompatible with the probe,HMP80andDMP80To further improve the reliable is suitable for industrial applicationsIndigoMeasuring the ecological system.

Visa'smeteorological, environment and equipment manufacturers in the field of industrial measurement, today released a portableVisa,Indigo80Handheld display header.This product is industrial spot checking, short data records, field sampling, data analysis and diagnosis and design.

The company launched a matched with Indigo80Visa,HUMICAPHandheld series of temperature and humidity sensorHMP80andVisa,DRYCAPHandheld and dew point temperature probe seriesDMP80, both product USES portable design, can be used with Indigo80 handheld display meter simple and easily.


Indigo80 handheld device adopts modern industrial design, the product look and feel, customer experience and ease of use, has greatly improved.Product must be easy to carry, can be measured in a variety of reliable operation in the environment, but also as durable and fixed installation of equipment.Visa,Indigo80去年凭借其精心的设计在芬兰设计比赛 Fennia Prize 上获得了荣誉奖项。

"Indigo80 hidden, we are proud for the product design: it combines the simplicity, ease of use and high standards of technical, accuracy and reliability.It has a series of powerful function, including also supports up to two Indigo compatible probe or data processing unit.It USES a rechargeable lithium ion battery, usually run 10 hours without charging, 10 languages and the intuitive user interface support."Visa product managerVuokko LantzSaid.

Improve efficiency of intelligent production process

In addition to the newly released two probes, Indigo80 also compatible with visa to pull other Indigo measuring probe and part of the visa, measuring instrument is used.When used with part of the probe, Indigo80 can give full play to the value, it not only increase the Indigo products series in the portable measurement products, used to measure multiple parameters, including the humidity, temperature, dew point, moisture content in carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and oil vaporization, its ease of use for industrial customers improve process efficiency.

The Indigo80 display header data record function can be in need of time period to monitor process conditions, thus to improve the process efficiency of industry.Spot checking can help guarantee process conditions in the required range, so as to produce a consistent and good products.

Indigo80 can also be used to provide a reference for fixed installation of visa measuring instrument detection, and to the existing visa fixed installation of instrument calibration, optimization of process conditions as much as possible.

"Based on the accurate measurement of industrial process optimization to improve the production efficiency, reduce waste and emissions, improve resource utilization, and reduce the impact on the environment."Lantz concluded.

Visa Indigo80 handheld display header and then release the number of probes will begin in the second quarter of 2023 in part of the country/region.

If you need more multimedia information, please contact

Miia Lahti
Visa pr manager
50, 555 + 358 to 4420.[email protected]

Visa,Is weather, environment and industrial measurement equipment manufacturers.Based on the 85 years of rich experience, visa is committed to create a better world through observation, its technology can function in the space environment, and even more distant locations on Mars exploration mission and stable operation.We are customer reliable partners, can provide observation and measurement products and services.Visa,总部位于芬兰,在世界各地拥有 2,000 多名专业人士,在纳斯达克赫尔辛基证券交易所上市。


Sauli Laitinen Vaisala

"Understanding again after the original design" - the idea to promote research and development

Visa's guiding ideology design department is the "understand again after the original design.