Visa to pull out continuous, active detection for observation network solution of water vapor

Five month 24, 2023
A press release

A press release
On May 24, 2023

Visa to pull out continuous, active detection for observation network solution of water vapor

DIAL moisture profile is of great significance to the laser radar DA10, can provide all-weather for the house of meteorology and forecasters atmospheric water vapor monitoring, so as to help improve the severe weather warning.

Visa's weather, environment and equipment manufacturers in the field of industrial measurement.It today announced the differential absorption lidar (DIAL) DA10, it is an industry tested the fine water vapor profile of laser radar, can provide crucial information for the local weatherman, thus help them predict the weather.

"DA10 overturn the traditional rules of the industry.For a long time, measuring water vapor are carried out by observers, need manual operation, the process will cost a lot of time and the cost is very high, "visa products and technology vice PresidentPaul MelinSaid."但是现在,借助为气象观测网络设计的免校准解决方案,气象服务人员可以全天候不间断地获取本地水汽的观测值。DA10 可提供更准确和及时的信息,以便在雷暴和暴雨山洪等 危险天气条件发生之前为本地社区发布预警。“

Although the global coordination of high altitude observation can obtain the overall condition of humidity mode, but the solution can be obtained under the condition of different locations and different data of consecutive measurements within the boundary layer water vapor.Combination of weather and climate models, the relevant personnel to obtain the necessary information to short-term and impending prediction and forecast, optimization, in turn, can be more reliable and accurate detection of strong storms over the next 12 hours.

Visa pull DA10 let related people can easily obtain the necessary information, and has the following core features:

  • Modeling and data assimilation techniquesBy numerical weather prediction (NWP) short-term and impending prediction and modeling for a long time to provide near real-time information.
  • Autonomous operation, and easy to set up and useSuitable for local forecast.Do not need to operating personnel, and almost no need maintenance.
  • The safe operation of the 24-hour non-stopDesign, strong and durable, at the same time, pay attention to the network and data security.
  • USES the launcher with technical characteristics,For network to provide reliable teaching-centred DIAL technology.

A new product that has been more than the world observation network and visa field validation.For more information, please

For more information on the media:
Kendra Westerkamp, Comprise
Telephone: + 1 720 261 2300
[email protected]

About visa,

Visa's weather, environment and equipment manufacturers in the field of industrial measurement.Based on the 85 years of rich experience, visa is committed to create a better world through observation, its technology can function in the space environment, and even more distant locations on Mars exploration mission and stable operation.We are customer reliable partners, can provide observation and measurement products and services.Visa,总部位于芬兰,在全球拥有超过 2,000 名专业人员,公司在纳斯达克赫尔辛基证券交易所上市。

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